Componentes para manejo de fluídos en procesos productivos

The key points of quality policy

In short, we can summarize the general criteria established to ensure compliance with the quality policy according to these points:

Organization and personnel

• Agile and efficient organization, with well-defined levels of competence and responsibility.

• Constant training and refresher programmes for all operations personnel.

Quality and project development

• Project supported by a data processing system, and developed according to precise work plans to verify the development phases for every new product.

• Careful analysis of the information and the experiences learnt on the market, of customers’ requests, to develop each new product according to market trends.

• In-depth testing performed during development of prototypes.

Sales and Marketing

• Precise selection of the product to meet all customer’s needs and an efficient after sales service.

• Market research to monitor the evolution of the market and technology, develop new products and new markets, and always offer the latest to our customers.

• Efficient management of requests in order to ensure quick and timely deliveries

• Maximum flexibility in production (motors and components) and collaboration with the customers to guarantee great customization.

Suppliers and production

• Careful selection of strategic suppliers, which work closely with our technicians, according to precise quality requirements.

• Modern production technologies to ensure maximum accuracy in processing, with maximum business efficiency.

• Production planned and controlled by modern computer systems, to know in real time the progress of the order.

• Tests and pre established checks at every stage of the process, considered essential to ensure compliance with all the technical and qualitative requirements of each product.

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